
Innovation Workshop

Want to Spark Your Team's Creative Process?

It’s not easy to get started on your IoT Journey! As experts in IoT Integration with our proven approach, SpinDance will guide you, your team, and your product to a smooth and successful launch.



Ignite Ideas

Jumpstart Your Creativity

Level up your team's scope of creativity with an IoT Innovation Workshop. Whether we hold it at your place, our place, or virtually, an Innovation Workshop will enlighten, enliven and provide a spark for free-flowing, creative ideas.


SpinDance's Innovation Workshop is for organizations wanting to know if and how IoT could enhance their product(s) and their business value but need to identify their Value Propositions along with a solid plan to successfully deliver a world-class product.  No matter which stage of the IoT Journey your organization is in, an Innovation Workshop is an invaluable tool to identify, clarify, & illuminate the path to a successful IoT Product launch.


Our Innovation Workshop session helps organizations identify and validate use cases and IoT-centric value propositions for prototyping and proof of concept. We show your team how to efficiently explore IoT opportunities. We’ll navigate to the right technology and guide you in developing a product that’s more advanced and has your competition running to catch up.


SpinDance leads a 3-hour workshop session with internal stakeholders to shape a collaborative mindset toward developing high-value IoT software and systems. Using our proprietary methods, we work with your team to brainstorm, map and clearly identify opportunities for your product. We then make recommendations on how to efficiently explore these opportunities to accelerate your team's training. 


Your team will have a clear plan to develop and deploy successful IoT products. You’ll receive a User Journey Map which includes a summary including risks and opportunities. We'll help you clarify your IoT Value Proposition with summaries that identify the business benefits, actions to achieve them, the IoT model to drive the action, and the data required. You'll have a clear Product Roadmap with recommended actions to bring the product to market
