Real World Applications and Examples

An enlightening webinar tailored for software developers eager to explore the capabilities of the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). This webinar will be led by our Principal Cloud Engineer, Greg Straw, and Senior Software Engineer, Michael Olson.

Key Topics

  • Real World Composition Examples: Dive into practical use cases and examples of using composition with CDK to create powerful abstractions.
  • Designing and Developing Reusable Constructs: Discover how to design and package your own reusable constructs in AWS CDK to reuse across projects.
  • Multi-Environment Configuration Best Practices: Get insights into best practices for managing configurations across multiple environments.
  • Unit Testing Strategies for CDK: Explore essential strategies for unit testing your AWS CDK applications. Ensure your code is robust and reliable, reducing bugs and minimizing downtime.

Who Should Watch?

  • Developers and Engineers
  • Cloud Architects
  • DevOps and Operations Teams

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your AWS CDK skills and take your cloud development to the next level.

Duration: 52:47

Recording Date: September 28, 2023

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