
DynamoDB, Postgres, Neptune? How to Pick the Right Tools for Your Cloud Architecture

September 4, 2024


By Greg Straw| Principal Software Engineer |


Choosing the right database technology is a pivotal decision that can make or break your project. With AWS offering a diverse range of database solutions tailored for different use cases, the challenge isn’t just about picking one—it’s about making a choice that will optimize your application’s performance, scalability, and cost-efficiency.

Each AWS database service comes with its unique strengths and limitations, and understanding these is key to making an informed decision. The right choice will empower your application to excel, allowing you to concentrate on what truly distinguishes your product in the marketplace.

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through AWS’s extensive database offerings, examining how each aligns with various architectural goals. We’ll provide insights to help you navigate the complexities of these technologies, helping guide you to the solution that best fits your project’s demands.

By the end, you’ll have a comprehensive grasp of:

  • The range of AWS database services and their ideal use cases
  • Factors like flexibility, scalability, and architecture in choosing a database
  • The trade-offs between cost and performance across different options
  • Considerations for security, compliance, and data management
  • Best practices to follow and common pitfalls to avoid

Let’s dive in and explore the AWS database landscape that can power your next big idea.

AWS Database Offerings

AWS supports a wide range of database services, each tailored to specific use cases. Before we delve into the details, let’s take a quick look at some of the main types of databases offered by AWS:

Database Type

AWS Service

Primary Use Cases


Amazon RDSAurora

Complex queries, transactions, structured data

NoSQL Key-Value


High-throughput, low-latency applications

NoSQL Document


Flexible schema, content management



Caching, real-time analytics



Highly connected data, social networks



Full-text search, log analytics


Let’s look at each of these in more detail, along with some practical examples.

Relational Databases

AWS offers managed services for traditional relational databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Oracle through Amazon RDS. These databases are designed for applications requiring ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) compliance, which is crucial for ensuring the integrity of transactions.


  • Highly flexible access patterns
  • Strong consistency and ACID compliance
  • Support for complex queries and joins
  • Familiar SQL interface


  • Can be challenging to scale horizontally
  • Hourly cost model (mostly)
  • Friction integrating with serverless architectures
  • May have higher costs for large datasets
  • Less flexible for rapidly changing data structures

Example Use Case 1: E-commerce Platforms An online retailer might use Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL to handle its transactional data. The relational database ensures that all transactions, such as order placement and payment processing, are processed reliably and consistently. This setup can support complex queries needed for inventory management, customer relationship management, and financial reporting.

Example Use Case 2: Financial Applications A fintech company could use Amazon Aurora to power its core banking systems, where transactional integrity, complex queries, and strong consistency are paramount. The relational database’s ability to support multi-region deployments also ensures high availability and disaster recovery.

Related Technologies:

  • PostgreSQL: An advanced open-source relational database system known for its extensibility and SQL compliance.
  • MySQL: A widely-used open-source relational database management system, particularly popular for web applications.

Note: Aurora Serverless in RDS is a bit different from the other options in RDS. Serverless integration is more straightforward using the Data API. This allows Lambda functions to interact with the database without needing to manage database connections or deal with VPC configuration. The challenges with horizontal scaling can also be vastly improved using a mix of Serverless v2 and Provisioned instances as described in this blog.

NoSQL Databases

AWS provides several NoSQL options designed to handle unstructured or semi-structured data, offering flexibility and scalability beyond what traditional relational databases can provide.


A fully managed, key-value and document database that excels in high-performance, low-latency applications.


  • Seamless scalability
  • Predictable performance at massive scale
  • Great fit for serverless architectures
  • Usage-based cost model


  • Limited query flexibility compared to relational databases
  • Requires access patterns to be defined upfront
  • Potential for higher costs with heavy read/write operations
  • Learning curve for those familiar with SQL

Example Use Case 1: Serverless Web Applications A global web application might use DynamoDB to store user progress and session data, ensuring low-latency access and seamless scalability. For example, a gaming company could store player profiles, achievements, and game states in DynamoDB, leveraging its global tables feature to provide fast access to data across multiple regions.

Example Use Case 2: IoT Data Management An IoT platform managing millions of sensors could use DynamoDB to store time-series data generated by the devices. The platform benefits from DynamoDB’s ability to handle high-throughput write operations and its seamless integration with AWS IoT services.

Related Technologies:

  • Cassandra: An open-source, highly scalable, distributed NoSQL database.
  • ScyllaDB: An open-source NoSQL database compatible with Cassandra but optimized for high throughput and low latency.

A managed document database service compatible with MongoDB, designed for applications that require flexible schemas.


  • Flexible schema
  • Good for nested data structures
  • MongoDB compatibility


  • May not be suitable for highly relational data
  • Can be more expensive than some alternatives
  • Limited support for complex transactions

Example Use Case 1: Content Management Systems (CMS) A digital media company might use DocumentDB to manage and deliver content across its platforms. DocumentDB’s flexibility allows it to handle varied data structures, such as articles, images, and user comments, making it easier to store and retrieve content in different formats.

Example Use Case 2: Personalization Engines A streaming service could leverage DocumentDB to store and retrieve user preferences, viewing histories, and personalized recommendations. The flexible schema supports the dynamic nature of user data, allowing for quick adjustments as new content types and features are added.

Related Technologies:

  • MongoDB: A widely-used open-source document-oriented NoSQL database that supports flexible, JSON-like data models.

In-Memory Databases

ElastiCache for Redis

This service provides in-memory processing speed, making it a popular choice for use cases requiring caching, session storage, and real-time analytics. ElastiCache is typically not used as a primary database, but a caching layer to optimize read heavy use cases in tandem with another database.


  • Extremely fast read/write operations
  • Support for complex data structures
  • Built-in replication and high availability


  • Limited persistence options
  • Higher cost per GB compared to disk-based storage
  • Memory constraints can limit dataset size

Example Use Case 1: Real-Time Analytics A real-time analytics platform might leverage ElastiCache for Redis to store rapidly changing data, such as user interactions or live events, ensuring minimal latency and quick data retrieval. For example, an e-commerce site could use Redis to track real-time inventory levels, reducing the risk of overselling products during high-traffic sales events.

Example Use Case 2: Leaderboards and Gaming A gaming company could use Redis to manage real-time leaderboards and player rankings, ensuring fast updates and retrieval of player scores during gameplay. The low-latency performance of Redis makes it ideal for this purpose, providing a seamless gaming experience.

Related Technologies:

  • Redis: An open-source, in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker.
  • Memcached: An open-source, high-performance, distributed memory object caching system.

Note: There is also a Memcached option for ElastiCache for simple use cases that don’t need or require Redis’ sorting, listing, and other more advanced features.

MemoryDB for Redis

Amazon MemoryDB for Redis is a fully managed, Redis-compatible, in-memory database service that offers ultra-fast performance for applications requiring low-latency data access. Unlike traditional Redis setups, MemoryDB provides enhanced durability by keeping a backup of data across multiple Availability Zones (Multi-AZ), making it ideal for use cases where both speed and data persistence are crucial.


  • Extremely fast read/write performance, lower latency than ElastiCache
  • Automatic scaling and high availability
  • Persistence options available for data durability
  • Compatible with Redis, allowing easy migration from ElastiCache


  • Higher cost per GB compared to disk-based storage
  • Limited to Redis API, less flexible than a general-purpose in-memory store
  • May be overkill for applications that don’t require the highest levels of durability and availability

Example Use Case 1: Real-Time Trading and Finance: A high-frequency trading platform could use MemoryDB to store and rapidly update market data, order books, and trading strategies. The low latency and high throughput of MemoryDB ensures that traders can make split-second decisions based on the most up-to-date information.

Example Use Case 2: Real-Time Trending: A global social media platform could use MemoryDB to maintain real-time leaderboards for trending topics or user engagement metrics. The in-memory performance allows for instantaneous updates and retrievals, providing a dynamic user experience while ensuring data durability across multiple regions.

Related Technologies:

  • Redis: An open-source, in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker.

Graph Databases


Amazon Neptune is a managed graph database service optimized for storing and querying highly connected data. Graph databases like Neptune are designed to efficiently process complex queries on data that is deeply interconnected, making them ideal for use cases where relationships between entities are the primary focus.

Amazon Neptune supports both the property graph model and the Resource Description Framework (RDF) model, providing flexibility in how you structure and query your graph data. With its native support for popular graph query languages like Apache TinkerPop Gremlin and SPARQL (pronounced “sparkle”), Neptune allows developers to build sophisticated applications that can traverse vast networks of relationships with high performance.


  • Efficient for querying complex relationships
  • Supports both property graph and RDF models
  • Managed service with automatic scaling


  • Steeper learning curve for those unfamiliar with graph databases
  • Can be more expensive for simpler data models
  • Limited support for full-text search

Example Use Case 1: Social Networks A social networking application might utilize Neptune to efficiently manage and query user connections and interactions, leveraging the graph model for complex relationship queries. For instance, Neptune could be used to quickly identify mutual friends or suggest new connections based on shared interests and interactions.

Example Use Case 2: Fraud Detection A financial institution could use Neptune to detect fraudulent transactions by analyzing relationships between accounts, transactions, and known fraudulent activities. The graph database enables complex queries to uncover hidden patterns that might indicate fraudulent behavior, such as unusually connected entities or suspicious transaction chains.

Related Technologies:

  • Neo4j: An open-source graph database that provides an ACID-compliant transactional backend for applications that leverage connected data.
  • JanusGraph: An open-source, distributed graph database optimized for storing and querying large graphs across a multi-machine cluster.

Search Databases


Amazon OpenSearch is a managed service that provides search capabilities, including full-text search, structured search, and analytics over large datasets.


  • Powerful full-text search capabilities
  • Good for log analytics and time-series data
  • Supports complex aggregations and visualizations


  • Can be complex to optimize for large-scale deployments
  • May require significant resources for large datasets
  • Not ideal as a primary database for transactional systems

Example Use Case 1: Log and Event Data Analysis An organization could use OpenSearch to efficiently analyze logs and monitor system performance, benefiting from fast retrieval and complex querying capabilities. For example, a cybersecurity company might use OpenSearch to sift through massive amounts of log data to identify potential security breaches in real time.

Example Use Case 2: E-commerce Product Search An e-commerce platform might use OpenSearch to power its product search functionality, enabling customers to quickly find products based on keywords, categories, and filters. The full-text search capabilities allow for fast and accurate search results, enhancing the user experience.

Related Technologies:

  • Elasticsearch: An open-source search engine built on Apache Lucene.
  • Apache Solr: An open-source enterprise search platform, also based on Lucene, designed for scalability and flexible indexing and querying.

Flexibility, Scalability, and Architecture

When architecting your solution, it’s common to leverage multiple database services, each optimized for different access patterns and user personas. Here are some key considerations:

Scalability Considerations

  • Vertical vs. Horizontal Scaling: Services like RDS typically scale vertically (by increasing the instance size), which can be effective for smaller or mid-sized applications. However, if your application demands massive scalability, DynamoDB offers horizontal scaling, distributing data across multiple nodes and supporting millions of requests per second.
  • Global Distribution: For applications with a global user base, services like DynamoDB Global Tables or Amazon Aurora Global Database are ideal. These services support multi-region replication, reducing latency for users by bringing data closer to them, and improving overall performance.

Architectural Impact

  • Microservices: Different microservices might deserve different database types. For example, a user service might use RDS, while a product catalog service uses DocumentDB.
  • Event-Driven Architectures: Consider how your database choice impacts event sourcing and CQRS patterns. DynamoDB streams, for instance, can be a powerful tool in event-driven architectures.
  • Serverless: If you’re building a serverless application, consider how well your database integrates with services like Lambda. DynamoDB and Aurora Serverless are often good choices here. 

Note: If you’re considering using Aurora Serverless, be aware there are two versions available v1 and v2. Aurora Serverless v2 offers significant improvements over v1, including finer and faster scaling, broader database version support, and enhanced features like multi-AZ deployment and read replicas. It also doesn’t experience the cold-start issues present in Aurora Serverless v1. These enhancements make v2 more suitable for production workloads with varying demands.

Remember to weigh the trade-offs between consistency, availability, and partition tolerance (CAP theorem) when selecting a database. Different AWS databases prioritize these aspects differently, so understanding your application’s specific needs is key to making the right choice.

Cost and Performance Trade-offs

Cost is always a factor when choosing a database. AWS provides flexible pricing models, such as on-demand pricing, reserved instances, and serverless options. Here’s how different options stack up:

  • On-Demand Pricing: Ideal for unpredictable workloads. For example, a startup might use on-demand RDS instances during their growth phase when traffic patterns are still emerging.
  • Reserved Instances: If you have predictable usage patterns, reserved instances can save you up to 72% compared to on-demand pricing. A large enterprise with stable, high-volume traffic might benefit most from this option.
  • Spot Instances: RDS offers spot instances for non-critical workloads that can tolerate interruptions, spot instances offer significant cost savings, often up to 90% compared to on-demand pricing. This option is ideal for batch processing jobs, data analysis tasks, or development environments where downtime is acceptable. 
  • Serverless Options: Serverless databases like Aurora Serverless automatically scale based on your application’s demands. This can be perfect for applications with variable traffic, like a tax preparation service that sees spikes during tax season.

Performance considerations often go hand-in-hand with cost. For instance, while DynamoDB can offer incredible performance at scale, it may become costly for read-heavy workloads compared to a well-optimized relational database effectively using read replicas and caching.

Security, Compliance, and Data Management

AWS offers comprehensive security features across its database services:

  • Encryption: Services like RDS and DynamoDB provide encryption for data at rest and in transit.
  • Access Control: AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) enables you to enforce strict access controls.
  • Compliance: Many AWS database services are compliant with industry standards like HIPAA, GDPR, and PCI DSS.
  • Secrets Management: AWS Secrets Manager works seamlessly with database credentials in the AWS ecosystem, allowing central management and automated rotation. 

When it comes to data management, consider how each service handles backups, snapshots, and disaster recovery. For instance, Amazon RDS offers automated backups and snapshots, while DynamoDB provides point-in-time recovery options.

Best Practice: Implement a comprehensive backup and disaster recovery strategy, regardless of which database you choose. Regularly test your recovery procedures to ensure they work as expected.

Real World Use Case: CallBox

To illustrate how these database technologies can be applied in a real-world scenario, let’s explore how we at SpinDance utilize AWS databases in the architecture of CallBox, our software framework for IoT products. In CallBox, different types of data require different handling, and we’ve strategically chosen AWS services to meet those needs.

Relational Data: CallBox leverages Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL as the backing datastore to model users, accounts, locations, and devices. This choice allows a high degree of flexibility in how adopters customize and extend the data model, facilitating the development of new access patterns as they build their IoT solution and associated permissions model.

Events and Telemetry: Device events, telemetry, and command-and-control messages are stored in DynamoDB. This data footprint must scale more rapidly than the footprint required for users and devices alone since each device can send a large volume of messages over its lifetime. The horizontal scalability and predictable performance of DynamoDB make it ideal for these use cases. DynamoDB’s seamless integration with the serverless message processing of CallBox simplifies this implementation.

Each aspect of the platform has unique concerns and requirements. The cloud architecture for CallBox utilizes a variety of tools to address different scale, access patterns, and requirements effectively. By carefully selecting the right tools for each part of the system, we ensure that the solution is not only scalable and performant but also resilient and adaptable to future demands of our customers.


Choosing the right AWS database is not just about today’s requirements… It’s about future-proofing your application for growth, changes in data access patterns, and evolving business goals. By understanding each AWS database offering’s purpose-built nature and carefully considering factors like flexibility, scalability, cost, performance, and security, you can design a robust and efficient architecture tailored to your application’s specific requirements.

For many applications it’s not about choosing a single database, but rather selecting the right combination of database technologies to meet your diverse needs. Don’t be afraid to use multiple database types within your architecture if it makes sense for your use case. 

Best Practices:

  1. Start with your data model and access patterns, then choose the database offering(s) that fit best.
  2. Consider future scalability needs from the beginning.
  3. Regularly review and optimize your database choices as your application evolves.
  4. Take advantage of AWS’s managed services to reduce operational overhead.
  5. Always prioritize security and compliance in your database strategy.

By following these guidelines and leveraging AWS’s powerful database offerings, you can build a scalable, high-performance, and secure cloud architecture that supports your organization’s long-term success.

What’s your next step? 

Whether you’re starting a new project or optimizing an existing one, take some time to map out your data needs and see how they align with the AWS database services we’ve discussed. And remember, the AWS documentation and support are always there to help you make the best choice for your specific use case.